Jordie Spagnato was content raising her daughter on her own, and running a successful New York City hot spot. Enter Nathan Harper: tall, handsome, full of charisma and there to lend a hand when a drunken brawl almost lands Jordie in jail.
Late night walks, rooftop visits and breakfast quickly become their routine until Nathan’s future and Jordie’s past threaten to ruin their lives.

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4 Stars
This is the first book, I've read from this author and can't wait to read more. Finding Jordie is a well-written story about a single mom finding love unexpectedly.
Jordie is one tough, kick-ass woman. She owns a bar and knows how to take charge, take control of her life and business. But she finds herself turning into mush for a mysterious, hot, younger man who happens to stumble into her bar one night.
Nathan lives his life in the spotlight, so he's always been guarded with his relationship..that's until he meets Jordie and can't seem to stay away. He's super sweet character and the perfect book boyfriend.
Finding Jordie is full with sweet romance and fantastic side characters, who I can't wait to read more about in this series. But it's not a page-turner without some angst and drama. There some secrets between the two and could jeopardize a HEA for Jordie and Nathan.
Ok, who am I kidding, there is a perfect HEA for these two, but I know there story continues with Finding Nathan and I am more than excited to dive into the next book!
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Buy Links:
Amazon: B00O709MRGKobo: US/ebook/finding-jordie-1All romance ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks. com/product-findingjordie- 1641327-149.html
HJ Harley Bio:
HJ grew up in Bricktown New Jersey, less than an hour away from New York City. As a teenager and early twenties, she loved hanging out in the glamor of NYC. She was a "City Brat" so it was pretty difficult for her to pack her stuff and three cats in 2005, for a life changing road trip, moving to California. She's travelled around the country until she met her better half in 2005.
After serving twelve years in the Air Force, the man of her dreams ended his military career and they moved to Georgia in 2007. Since then, they've settled down in Leesburg GA, and had their first child.
No place has ever come close to replacing the magic of New York City for HJ. So when it was decided to try this romance writing gig out, naturally her first book 'Finding Jordie' would be set there.
HJ enjoys reading, and spending time with her family. Reality TV is a guilty pleasure and she's a sucker for romantic comedies and Robert Pattinson. HJ is a pro at goofing off, She talks with my hands, (She's Italian!) She drinks way too much coffee, and gets too little sleep. Oh, and she has a thing for Jackie-O sized sunglasses. HJ's has five furry kids and most importantly, one beautiful daughter. HJ is always striving to be the best Mom possible.
HJ's very passionate about the things she loves, that's why she was outraged when they cancelled SMASH and Southland! It should be considered a small miracle if you ever get to see a serious or pic of her posing all nice and pretty...She's not that girl. She's a spontaneous goof and believes the best things in life come naturally. Yes, that includes random no make-up selfies during a writing marathon.
Web Site:
Facebook Reader’s group, giveaways and more: groups/HJHarley/
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